Financial Aid

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Tehachapi Campus: Financial Aid Awareness Day


SAP Workshop on Zoom


Ridgecrest/IWV campus at dusk.

Welcome to Cerro Coso Financial Aid!

Contact Cerro Coso Financial Aid Staff


Estimated Payment Schedules

Financial aid funds are now available through Direct Deposit! To receive your funds, you must select a refund preference with BankMobile Disbursements. For more information, visit this link: BankMobile Disbursements Refund Choices.

PAYMENT DATES AS INDICATED BELOW ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. Pell Grants will be disbursed in two payments each semester (50% in the first disbursement, 50% in the second).

Key Information:

  • Payments are based on the funds listed on your Financial Aid Award Notification.
  • Each payment will include funds from all programs indicated on your award notification for that disbursement date.
  • The funding and disbursement timeline depends on: 
    • Submitting your financial aid application,
    • Completing all required documents and
    • Maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).

Important: The dates provided are financial aid processing dates. You will typically receive your funds a few days after these dates, depending on the refund preference you selected with BankMobile Disbursements.

Fall 2024 Schedule

FEDERAL SEOG   13      
CAL GRANTS   13      
FEDERAL WORK STUDY 15 15 15 15 15

Spring 2025 Schedule

FEDERAL SEOG   7      
CAL GRANTS   7      
FEDERAL WORK STUDY 15 15 15 15 15

All financial aid payments will be processed through BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. If you do not receive your payment within ten (10) days from the date(s) indicated above, please verify that you have selected a refund preference with BankMobile Disbursements and that the address in your profile is accurate.

You will be notified from Bank Mobile when they have funds ready for you. You may check your awards/refunds within your InsideCC account.

No Financial Aid Adjustments to Fall 2024 Awards After September 9, 2024 and Spring 2025 Awards After February 3, 2025 Due to Census/Enrollment Freeze

Late start classes that were registered after 09/09/24 for Fall 2024, 02/03/25 for Spring 2025, and 06/09/25 for Summer 2025, will not be included in a continuously enrolled student's total enrollment for financial aid purposes. Therefore, if you make changes to your course load after this date, you will not see an increase/decrease to your total financial aid for the term. Please note that new students who have just registered for a late start course (who were not attending any courses at the start of the term) can still be awarded Pell, the Promise Grant (BOG) Fee Waiver and potentially more if they enroll now. However, we do encourage that you visit our Virtual Lobby should you feel that changes to your course load were a result of an extenuating circumstance.

How will adjusting my course load after the freeze date affect my financial aid?

New Student Continuously Enrolled Student
A newly enrolled student that was not attending courses at the start of the term. A student that was currently attending courses at the start of the term and has added courses after 09/09/24 for Fall 2024 and 02/03/25 for Spring 2025.
California Promise Grant (BOG) will be awarded to the student (if eligible) to cover tuition costs California Promise Grant (BOG) will be awarded to the student (if eligible) to cover tuition costs
Pell Grant can be included up to eligibility Pell Grant will not be adjusted after 09/09/24 for Fall 2024 and 02/03/25 for Spring 2025, and 06/09/25 for Summer 2025

**Completion of the FAFSA/Dream Act Application will check student eligibility for multiple awards and should be completed by all students ASAP

Financial Aid is For You!

The financial aid office offers a complete array of financial support services which are designed to help YOU with the educational related expenses involved in obtaining your educational goal.

We will assist you with the process of applying for and receiving financial aid through federal, state, institutional and private organizations to support your success!


There are several types of aid offered at Cerro Coso College which are funded from federal and state agencies and private organizations. The major categories are:

  • SCHOLARSHIPS - Awards based on scholastic achievement and other criteria. These awards do not require repayment.
  • GRANTS - Awards based upon financial need. They do not require repayment.
  • WORK STUDY - Opportunity to earn money for school through part-time employment.
  • LOANS - For you and/or your parents to help pay for educational expenses. Requires repayment.

Check Your Status

If you have already applied for Financial Aid and would like to check your status, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Inside CC account
  2. Click on Financial Aid.
  3. Click on Eligibility.
  4. Select the current Academic year.
  5. If you have documents that must be submitted, you will be prompted to click the Verification Connection link.
  6. Create your account utilizing your student email. Be sure to use the same name you used to complete your FAFSA and your student email.

What is Financial Aid?

Financial aid is money awarded to help you meet your educational expenses. There are many types of aid offered at Cerro Coso, funded by federal and state agencies and private organizations and are either need-based or non-need based. The major types are grants, scholarships, work study, and loans.

Financial Aid Questions? Get Answers 24/7/365 at FATV


Special Grant Funds and Financial Aid SupportPlay Video
Special Grant Funds and Financial Aid Support