Media Protocols

Protocols and Procedures

1. Advertising: Public Relations (PR) and Institutional Advancement staff is responsible for all media initiatives and purchases that promote and advance Cerro Coso Community College (CCCC). These include:

  1. advertisements in periodicals;
  2. newspapers;
  3. high school publications (yearbooks, newspapers, etc.);
  4. business guides and directories
  5. billboards and other public postings; and,
  6. social media advertising;
  7. radio and television ads.

Factors taken into consideration when evaluating media purchases solicited by vendors include target audience demographics circulation, reproduction quality, etc.

2. Media Relations and Communications: In order to provide clear, concise communications, all media inquiries should be channeled through the Office of Public Relations and Institutional Advancement.

3. Publicity: The Public Relations Office will serve as a vehicle to publicize special events, awards, newsworthy stories, etc., if the information to be transmitted is relevant to the well-being of Cerro Coso Community College. Anyone interested in having an event publicized must submit material in a timely manner via the Marketing and Outreach Request form. Pertinent and substantive information must be provided.

4. External Publications/Printing: For the purpose of continuity and quality assurance, external publications produced by a college employee or department must be approved through the Office of Public Relations.

5. Photography: While the college does not have a photographer on staff, the Office of Public Relations will provide photography services when available. The PR Department is authorized to contract photographers for college events and departments as needed. Photography requests should be submitted to the director at least two weeks prior to the date(s) the photos are scheduled to be taken. All photography used for publication must be approved by the PR Department.

How to contact us: