Green Pass Required to Enter Cerro Coso Facilities

Green Pass Required.

Cerro Coso Community College (CCCC) announced in August that it would require all students and employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by November 1, 2021, and masks were to be worn at all times in its facilities, following the Kern Community College District (KCCD) Board of Trustees adopted resolution of August 12th. As the November 1 deadline draws near, the college shared what this means to students, employees, and the public.

“While our vaccination numbers continue to climb throughout the fall semester, we believe the vaccination requirement is necessary to ensure the educational experience in and outside of the classroom is not disrupted this spring” said President Sean Hancock.

As of November 1, students and employees are required to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 or have an approved exemption to enter any college facility.

The college will use the KCCD Campus Pass app, one of many virus mitigation tools launched in February, to monitor in-person engagement on campus. The app is used to track symptoms, get daily campus passes, scan QR codes for contact tracing, self-reporting, and to upload proof of vaccination. Those who have provided proof of vaccination or have an approved exemption will check in daily with the app to receive a green pass if they are not symptomatic. A green pass will allow them access to college facilities.

Those who have not fulfilled the vaccination requirement or filed for exemption will receive a red pass and are not allowed to access college facilities for any reason. Anyone on campus with a red pass will be subject to corrective action. This may affect a student's ability to register for on-campus classes this spring.

“Cerro Coso Community College is serious about providing a safe and healthy learning and working environment for students and employees,” said Hancock.

Those enrolled in CCCC's Online program and do not access college facilities are exempt from the vaccination requirement.

Students and employees may request exemption from the vaccine requirement due to a medical reason or a sincerely held religious belief up to November 1 for the fall semester. Those with an approved exemption will be required to test on a regular basis at the college. Cerro Coso is currently setting up testing sites and schedules at all campus locations. Visitors are asked to bring proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test administered within 72 hours of accessing any college facilities.

“This decision was made in consultation with leaders and employee groups across campus and with public health guidance from the CDC, the State of California, Community College Chancellor's Office, and district leadership,” continued Hancock. “Full vaccination reduces the risk of spread of COVID-19 on our campuses, which will make our communities safer and healthier, reduce disruptions to quality of education due to isolations and quarantines, reduce the personal and institutional stresses associated with managing the spread of the virus, and free us to have more of the traditional events that our communities enjoy.”

The college has implemented a target communications plan over the last month to inform all stakeholders of the requirement, impending deadline, expectations, and consequences.