December 3rd, 2019
The Cerro Coso Community College Foundation is joining the global movement of #GivingTuesday.
#GivingTuesday is a globally celebrated day focused on giving back to our communities in the spirit of the holiday season.
This year we are seeking your support for the Foundation's newest scholarship initiative, the Cerro Coso Promise. The Promise is a scholarship intended for hard-working, dedicated students whom deserve an education, regardless of financial or personal status. The Promise will effectively reduce financial barriers to allow students to focus on completing their educational goals in an affordable and timely manner. This merit-based scholarship is unique in its support for students regardless of their financial situation.
"The Cerro Coso Promise is a pledge to prepare students for the 21st century workforce
and the pursuit of the American Dream without the added burden of unmanageable college
debt. It's a sustainable solution to college affordability. The Cerro Coso Promise
is a commitment to the future."
–President Jill Board
Learn more about the Cerro Coso Promise.
Every investment, whatever the amount, makes a difference in the lives of our students in very significant ways. It is a voluntary effort and tax deductible.
Please join us in this global movement to help our students achieve educational success!