Substantive Change Proposal May 2014

May 2014

A Proposal to Add or Expand Four Programs to Four Campus Locations


  1. 2013-14 Catalog
  2. English Degree Program Outline-Application to the CCCCO
  3. CCCCO Approval Notification-Psychology AA-T Degree
  4. CCCCO Approval Notification-Kinesiology AA-T Degree
  5. ACCJC Approval Notification-Kinesiology and Studio Arts for Transfer
  6. CCCCO Approval Notification-Studio Arts AA-T Degree
  7. Map of Service Area
  8. Transfers to UC and CSU by Campus Ten-year Trend 2003-04 to 2012-13
  9. Substantive Change Proposal Spring 2013 Mission Statement
  10. General Education Program Review 2013
  11. Substantive Change Proposal Fall 2011 Online Programs
  12. Psychology Degree Program Outline-Application to the CCCCO
  13. Kinesiology Degree Program Outline-Application to the CCCCO
  14. Department of Physical Education and Health Annual Unit Plan 2014-15
  15. 2013-14 Catalog Addendum
  16. Art Program Review 2012
  17. Department of Visual and Performing Arts Annual Unit Plan 2014-15
  18. Eastern Sierra College Center Annual Section Plan 2013-14
  19. Eastern Sierra College Center Annual Section Plan 2014-15
  20. Physical Education Program Review 2012
  21. Department of Social Sciences Annual Unit Plan 2013-14
  22. Department of English and Foreign Languages Annual Unit Plan 2014-15
  23. Program Pathways
  24. Dean of Liberal Arts and Sciences Job Description and Recruitment Materials
  25. Revised Organizational Charts showing Dean of Liberal Arts and Sciences
  26. Mammoth Lakes Measure C Bond Approval for Art Remodel
  27. Curriculum and Instruction Council Minutes
  28. KCCD Board of Trustees Minutes
  29. ACCJC Reaffirmation Letter February 2013
  30. Cerro Coso Community College Follow Up Report 2013
  31. Commission Action Letter-February 2014
  32. Cerro Coso Community College Report of Educational Quality and Institutional Effectiveness 2012
  33. KCCD Board of Trustees Minutes Feb 14 2013
  34. Commission Action Letter May 2013
  35. Follow-up Visit Evalution Report November 2013
  36. Academic-Senate Established Regular Effective Contact and Student Authentication Practices
  37. Materials from Online Faculty Trainings
  38. Materials from 2.4 Moodle Upgrade
  39. Flex Day Agendas Spring 2013-Spring 2014