Student Spotlight: Julianna Gorduyn

Student Spotlight: Julianna.

We had the opportunity to catch up with Cerro Coso student, Julianna Gorduyn! Julianna is currently a dual major in IT and Cybersecurity and part of Student Government.

What inspired you to choose this major?

“I've always been interested in technology and computer systems, and as I started learning more about cybersecurity, I realized how important it is to have a strong background in both IT and cybersecurity. So, I decided to pursue a dual major to gain a comprehensive understanding of both fields.”

What are your career goals and plans after graduating from Cerro Coso?

“My goal is to finish my degree one day at a time, but I definitely have a lot of upcoming plans. I'm glad that Cerro Coso is now offering a BA in Cybersecurity because I would love to continue my studies here. After graduating, I want to work for the Department of Defense (DoD) in UAS defense. I also plan to start my own cybersecurity company and contract it out to the DoD so I can move around and travel with my best friend. Cerro Coso and Jesus have opened a lot of doors for me to be able to do this and I am so thankful and blessed to be here.”

Can you give a shoutout to someone who has made an impact on your time here at Cerro Coso?

“I became a temporary staff here recently, and it really changed my perspective on how I see the staff. The staff here at Cerro Coso put their heart and soul into the work that they do for the students, without skipping a beat. The entire staff here are nothing short of selfless, kind, and generous people.”

Have you found any resources here at Cerro Coso that have been particularly helpful for you?

“The resource that has helped me the most is the Marketplace. As a full-time student and almost full-time staff, there have been days where I don't have time to go home and eat, so I pop down to the Marketplace and they help with food so I can finish my day strong.”

Lastly, do you have any words of wisdom for your fellow students?

“It's okay to fail because that's how you learn, but it's not okay to give up. Here at Cerro Coso, you can fail, but everyone here will pick you back up. Remember that you are the author of your future, so when you sit down to write, make sure that you write your chapters well.”