Lead with Love

Pride flag

Celebrate Pride Month with Cerro Coso Community College

Caption: Photo by Markus Spiske: The rainbow is the most widely recognized LGBTQ+ symbol in the world. The first LGBT rainbow flag was designed by Gilbert Baker in 1978. It immediately became and has continued to be the symbol of Pride

June is LGBTQ+ Pride Month, and Cerro Coso Community College is honored to celebrate it with our diverse students, staff, faculty, and community members. Come out and join us in celebration!

Join the college in celebrating by wearing any and all things rainbow on Wednesday, June 8th. Or, stop by the counseling desk at the Ridgecrest Campus to pick up a rainbow bracelet!

Friday, June 24th from 1-3 pm are Campus Pride Safe Space Training a nationally recognized program that provides training and signage for institutions committed to supporting LGBTQ students. A Safe Space Program is one of the measures of a supportive campus on the Campus Pride Index (CampusPrideIndex.org). The college is offering a two-hour online version of the Safe Space Training. This online training provides individuals to understand the importance of a Safe Space, learn terminology and LGBTQ identities, and how to be a Safe Space. Participants will receive an official Campus Pride Safe Space certificate with their name upon completion of the full two hour training. Learning outcomes include: Learn and understand key moments in the LGBTQ civil rights movement; Explain the difference between sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression; define terminology used to describe sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression; Explore and identify ways to be an advocate/ally for LGBTQ people; and discuss how you can take action as a Safe Space. 

On Monday, June 20 from 1-3 pm is Stop the Hate training. Stop the Hate is an educational initiative of Campus Pride and supports colleges and universities in preventing and combating hate on campus as well as fostering the development of community. The national program serves as the premier source of anti-hate education resources for higher education institutions and campus communities. The college is offering a two-hour online version of the Stop the Hate training. Stop the Hate 101 online training provides an understanding of bias and hate crime issues, how to identify a bias-motivated incident and a hate crime, an overview of first amendment speech protections and hate crime law and discusses the need for greater hate crime and bias-motivated incident reporting mechanisms (such as Bias Incident Team). Participants will receive an official Campus Pride Stop the Hate 101 certificate with their name upon completion of the full two-hour training. Learning outcomes for this program include: Learn and better understand bias and hate crime issues; understand terminology and identify the difference between what is a bias-motivated incident and hate crime; Overview of first amendment speech protections and hate crime law; explain the challenges to hate crime reporting and the need for improving bias incident reporting mechanisms on campus, and share resources to help campuses improve and/or develop a Bias Incident Team. 

Both training sessions are open to the community. If you are interested in registering for either of these trainings please contact Tanner Barnett at tanner.barnett@cerrocoso.edu or call (760) 384-6249. 

The College will also be hosting two Movie Nights in the Sculpture Garden. Bring your blankets and/or chairs and enjoy the movies Rent on Thursday, June 9 at 8 pm and 3 Generations will be shown on Thursday, June 23 at 8 pm. Admission and popcorn are FREE. 

Check out the LGBTQ+ LIB Guide on the Cerro Coso Library page at https://cerrocoso.libguides.com/lgbt