Zoom Bombing

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Zoom is a great tool, which is allowing us to have remote videoconference meetings and virtual classes. Many of us are starting to use Zoom extensively, so it is important to be aware of a new annoyance that has started called Zoom Bombing.  Because of the design and defaults set when creating a Zoom meeting, it allows anyone that has the Zoom meeting ID to join the Zoom session. There are some not so pleasant individuals who are searching the internet for Zoom meeting IDs and then joining those Zoom meeting sessions as an uninvited guest. These individuals then disrupt the Zoom meeting session with annoyances and in some cases are screen sharing inappropriate images or videos, in effect Zoom Bombing the Zoom session.

The links below are short articles on the types of mayhem these individuals have caused. They also offer tips on how you can set up the Zoom meeting session to help prevent these individuals from joining the session.




One of the first things I would recommend is that when you create a Zoom meeting, have the Meeting ID generated automatically for each meeting, instead of always using your same Personal Meeting ID. This way, if your Personal Meeting ID is compromised, not your Zoom meetings will be open to someone using that ID.

Also, when setting up the meeting, consider requiring a meeting password and unchecking the “Enable join before host” option and checking the “Enable waiting room” feature. For more information on how to setup a Zoom meeting and the different options available, visit the Zoom support website at this link: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362603-What-Are-the-Host-Controls-

Taking some precautionary measures when creating a Zoom meeting session may help reduce the chances of your Zoom meeting session becoming a victim of a Zoom Bombing.