Undocumented Students Action Week

California Community Colleges Support Undocumented Students

Monday, October 14th

  • Visit the college website for information, resources and to watch the “Paying for College” and “Know your Legal Rights” webinars provided by Immigrants RISING- Transforming Lives Through Education:

Tuesday, October 15th

  • Register for and participate in the webinar hosted in partnership with the California Community College Chancellor's Office: Accessing Reputable Legal Support : Learn about the information and tools you can use to explore your immigration options. Get resources on ways you can protect yourself and your family from deportation. 
  • Share YOUR Immigrant Story- Throughout the week, you can visit the Student Center to share the story of your immigration or the immigration of a family member(s).  Come to the Student Center and share your unique story!

Wednesday, October 16th

  • Register for and participate in the webinar hosted in partnership with the California Community College Chancellor's Office: The UndocuHustle: Generating Income, Regardless of Immigration Status: Explore how to develop an entrepreneurial mindset and generate income by starting your own business or working a side hustle! Hear testimonies of undocumented youth who have successfully built their careers with or without work authorization.
  • Join us in the Student Center for screenings of:
    SIN PAÍS (20 Min) After raising a family in the U.S. for almost twenty years, Sam and Elida Mejia are deported back to their native Guatemala. With intimate access and striking imagery, Sin País explores the complexities of the Mejia's new reality of a separated family--parents without their children, and children without their parents
    Beyond the Dream (55 Min) In noise surrounding the immigration debate, one important perspective has been left out: that of immigrants themselves. Beyond the Dream gives voice to three young immigrants as they navigate the uncertainty of their twenties and legal status. Follow them on a journey across the country as they learn that it's not where you're born—but where you go in life—that defines you.
    These movies will be screened throughout the day in the Student Center.  Voter Registration materials will also be provided!

Thursday. October 17th

  • Register for and participate in the webinar hosted in partnership with the California Community College Chancellor's Office: Thriving with Fear & Building Resilience : A panel of undocumented youth leaders share strategies for harnessing fear through art, therapy and resistance.
  • Join us for an Admissions and Financial Aid workshop on College Access and Affording College- Family, friends, and community members are welcome! 6:00-7:30 in EW 218.

Friday, October 18th

  • Register for and participate in the webinar hosted in partnership with the California Community College Chancellor's Office: Healing Through Art: The Emotional Expression of Art in Social Justice: Learn how the undocumented youth movement historically used art and politics together to create activism: an outlet for the expression of the challenges of being undocumented in America. You will also be able to participate in art making!
  • Share YOUR Immigrant Story- Throughout the week, you can visit the Student Center to share the story of your immigration or the immigration of a family member(s).  Come to the Student Center and share your unique story!