Library Research Class Can Save Time and Improve Grades

Learning Resource Center

Do you have a research paper that needs credible websites, published articles, and a bibliography in MLA or APA format? Do you want to learn how to pick a research topic, find appropriate resources, and successfully compile everything together in a paper? Citing, citations, credible sources - are these terms confusing? Hearing about APA and MLA for the first time? Do you want to improve your library and internet research skills.

The Library Research Class LIBR C100 at Cerro Coso Community College not only prepares students to excel in their courses with term papers, it is also transferable to the University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) systems. Learning research and documentation styles efficiently and effectively can save time and improve grades.

The one-unit course teaches students the fundamentals of the research process and documentation styles. Students are introduced to the organization of information in the library setting and learn to access information through the use of online catalogs and databases.

“I wish I would have taken this class my first year,” said Tony, a 2nd year student at the college. “It would have helped me get good grades in all my classes with term papers!”

First year student Matt agrees with Tony stating “This class should be required for every college student. Period.”

Olivia, also a 1st year student at Cerro Coso, said of the class, “I thought I knew how to research, but I ended up learning so much in this class about academic sources, citing in MLA and APA, and how to search online more effectively.”

Cerro Coso is offering two sections of this course at the Ridgecrest campus this fall!

Librarian Sharlene Paxton will instruct a class from 10:20am to 12:25pm on Tuesdays and another class on Wednesdays from 6:45pm to 8:50pm in LRC Room 631.

The college is currently registering for Fall 2019 classes. Register today online at or call the Counseling Department at (760) 3894-6219. On campus classes begin August 26, 2019. Take charge of your future and register today!