College to Participate in California ShakeOut!

Shake Out

At 10:17 a.m. on Thursday, October 17, 2019, Cerro Coso Community College staff and students will join millions of Californians when they "Drop, Cover, and Hold On" in the Great California ShakeOut, the largest world-wide earthquake drill.

Following the recent earthquakes in Ridgecrest, now more than ever it is important that we be prepared!

The college uses this opportunity to practice how to prepare for, survive, and recover from a damaging earthquake.

All students, staff, faculty, and visitors are expected to practice "Drop, Cover, and Hold On" and safe evacuation from college buildings to predetermined evacuation points.

The college takes this occasion to test the college phone and emergency notification system—CCAlert—and practice: what to do in an earthquake, safe evacuation, and build on "best practices" and lessons learned.

"Regular and frequent emergency response training provided to all key operational and support staff ensures we are prepared to address any emergency," states Lisa Couch, Vice President of Administration. "Practice makes preparedness and the Great ShakeOut allows us to practice to reduce chaos and confusion during an actual emergency."

More than 52.6 million people are registered to participate in the 2019 Great ShakeOut worldwide. Cerro Coso encourages all to participate in the event. Register today at

Extensive information is available for the public at .

What we do now, before a big earthquake, will determine what our lives will be like afterwards. Register today!