Cerro Coso is Offering Spanish for Native Speakers

Habla Espanol?

Were you brought up in a Spanish-speaking home? Cerro Coso Community College is offering SPAN C180 for you.

This course is designed for native Spanish speakers, who already speak, read, and write the language but wish to develop their fluency further through vocabulary building, spelling, and accentuation rules, cognates, grammatical structures and composition. Cultural topics will also be in order for students to have a deeper understanding and awareness of their cultural heritage. 

SPAN C180 Spanish for Native Speakers CRN 73255 is being offered Online with instructor Lucila Gonzalez-Cirre and will begin September 23.

This 12 week class counts on all three of the general education patterns that students can selected from Cerro Coso, CSU Certification, and the IGETC.

There are many reasons for heritage speakers to study Spanish, said Instructor Gonzalez-Cirre “You may need the coursework as part of a degree program you're enrolled in, or you might want to learn how to write the language without slang or "sloppy" grammar; or to gain an appreciation and pride of the diverse cultures of Spanish. The class is offered through specialized instruction and materials that build on the student's existing language skills and cultural knowledge.”

Research shows that students who take Spanish for Native Speakers are better equipped, and feel more confident in developing English writing skills.

For more information or assistance with registration contact the College Counseling Department at (760) 384-6219.