Meet Sam


Samuel Kelley is the President of the Student Government of Cerro Coso! He is studying Kinesiology with a career goal of being a Physician's Assistant. Starting as a noble Senator, Sam has served in the SGCC for 3 years, rising through the ranks to become President of the Senate/Vice President and he is now serving," as President for the 2017-18 school year. 

Some of Sam's goals for the SGCC are to serve the students of Cerro Coso. “I believe the best way to do that is to facilitate a positive, holistic learning environment through promoting physical health, mental health, and intellectual diversity. With this approach, I hope to provide a collegiate experience that helps us students in all areas, not just academic."  

A fun fact about Sam - “my Senior year of high school, my peers and I were doing a “Senior Prank” (a lame one at that), but when we got busted by the Principal I was hanging upside down by my legs actively wrapping cheap dollar tree foil paper around the top of a 25 ft. tall shade structure. Which, if I'm being honest, fairly accurately sums up my personality." That it does. 

If you see Sam around the Ridgecrest campus, give him a shout out!  Stay tuned for more interesting bios of the SGCC's incredible team.

*Follow Sam on Instagram @samckelley