Distracted Driving Tips

Person holding phone in one hand steering wheel in the other.


With the holiday season upon us, it is important to be reminded of the simple privileges that are taken for granted. It is also imperative to make sure that safety in all situations is what keeps us humble. Here are a few articles that provide statistics on just how much everyone is affected by getting distracted while driving.

  1. The Four Most Dangerous Holiday Driving Hazards
  2. Texting while Driving…no LOL matter


Speak Up, Stop the Distractions

Whether you are the driver or passenger, take action to stop distraction behind the wheel:

  • Cell phones—put the phone down, turn it off or place it out of reach before getting behind the wheel.
  • Passengers—Speak up to stop your friends from driving distracted and offer to help with anything that takes the driver's attention off the road, such as answering the phone or reading a text for the driver.
  • Music and other controls—Preprogram radio stations and arrange music in an easy-to-access spot. Adjust mirrors and ventilation before traveling.
  • Navigation—Map out the destination and program GPS in advance.
  • Eating and drinking—Avoid messy foods and secure drinks.
  • Children—When driving with your siblings or other children, talk to them about the importance of good behavior in the car so you can focus on driving.

Pay Attention

When driving, focus on the road. Talking on the phone, texting, eating, reading, changing music, and reaching for items are all serious distractions. At 55 miles per hour, texting and driving is like traveling the length of a football field without looking up.

YouTube Videos

  1. OMG! Distracted Driving PSA
  2. Mobile Car Crash
  3. Don't Text & Drive #ItCanWait

The Three Types of Distracted Driving and How to Avoid Them. Visual: Keep your eyes on the road; pull over to read directions; put your phone in...