College Students to Host Candidates Forum

Meet the Candidates - 2018

The public is invited to a Candidates Forum on Tuesday, October 30, 2018 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Cerro Coso Community Room located on the 3rd floor of the Main Building.

The forum is being organized by the Student Government of Cerro Coso (SGCC) to inform students and local voters about candidates running for the offices of Mayor, KCCD Board of Trustees, and City Council this November.

Cerro Coso students will research a variety of important topics and develop questions to be asked of the candidates. "It's important for our students to get involved in the political process," said Katie Bachman, Director of Outreach. "Conducting a forum like this is an exciting experience for college students. It allows them to talk directly with leaders about issues they're concerned about while gaining insight on how government works."

Cerro Coso Community College is politically neutral and does not endorse or promote any candidates, party, or platform. The forum will give candidates an opportunity to express their views openly so participants can understand their positions and make informed voting choices.

"So many young people can vote and don't understand they have a say in what happens around them," said Bachman. "This candidates forum will give students and the community a chance to hear the candidates' positions on important issues, provides candidates with information that concerns their constituents, and helps voters make informed decisions."

Parking will not be enforced during the event, and light snacks and drinks will be served.