Frequently Asked Questions

What type of training do you offer?

We offer a wide variety of training classes within the following categories:

What is the cost of your training classes?

We currently offer All-Inclusive Flat Rates for our single topic training classes - the rates can be found within each category page.

If you would like to combine two or more topics into a single training class, a customized rate can be arranged. Request a quote for a customized training class.

Where does this training take place?

We can provide this training at your place of work or at a site designated by you.

You can also elect to hold the training or at any of our five college campuses - which offer:

  • Computer Classrooms with State-of-the-Art Technology
  • Wired & Wireless Internet Access
  • Classrooms with Built-In Sound Systems
  • Teleconferencing Capability (within our 5 campuses)
  • "Smart Classrooms" (training rooms with LCD projectors
  • and multiple large screen LCD televisions)

Web-based training is also available.

What if I only have a few employees who need training?

Our goal is to serve employers of all sizes. If you have a training need for only a few employees, we can offer your preferred training class through our Office of Community Education as a fee-based class that would be open to the public.

Can you help my organization determine what type of training we need?

Yes. We can conduct a survey to assess your training needs, or we can do an assessment of a cross section of your employees.

Will my employees be earning college credit?

Training classes through the Office of Contract Education do not award college credit. However, if your employees need to earn college credit for their training we recommend you visit our Career Technical Education department.