Cerro Coso Career Center Grand Opening Dec. 5

Career Center

Cerro Coso Community College is holding a grand opening for the Career Center located on the second floor of the Main Building.

The event is Thursday, December 5, 2019 from 5 to 7 p.m.

Career exploration and readiness is a continuous process that guides individuals into successful and fulfilling occupations.

Over the years, the College Career Center has gone through many changes, but has found its new and convenient home within the recently re-modeled Main Building.

Set within a modern space on the second floor, the Career Center is a hub for personal and professional development.  Students, alumni, and community members can explore and build connections between academics, personal interests, and professional development.

“This space is going to transform how we prepare students for careers and brings us that much closer to our goal of integrating career readiness into the  student experience while they are here on campus,” said Cerro Coso President Jill Board.

The Cerro Coso Career Center is designed to help businesses find qualified workers and assist job seekers to obtain employment and training services to enhance their careers.  They also offers assistance with career exploration, one-on-one and group career counseling, and job placement services.

During the Grand Opening guests will find a vast amount of resources including job search strategies, career exploration, internships, workshops, as well as information on college Career Technical Education programs.

The public is invited to attend and explore all the career services Cerro Coso has to offer.  Refreshments will be served and parking will not be enforced.